Municipality of Vlissingen

The municipality of Vlissingen is here to help you with any questions you may have about establishing your business, or expanding your current business or institution. Furthermore, we welcome everyone who wants to live, study or spend quality time in Vlis

Vlissingen is at its core a maritime city. Vlissingen is a part of the third largest sea port and the second largest piloting region of the Netherlands. Within the municipal limits there are several maritime businesses and institutions which specialize in shipbuilding, fishing, offshore, pleasure sea craft, navy and support.

Establishing your business in Vlissingen

The municipality of Vlissingen is working with local entrepreneurs to facilitate a positive and stable business climate. The municipality offers entrepreneurs plenty of scope to be successful. This webpage (sorry, in Dutch) offers all the information you may need. If you want to settle in one of the ports of Vlissingen, please use this link.

Living in Vlissingen

Living in Vlissingen means living in a city by the sea, with approximately 45,000 inhabitants. The municipality of Vlissingen consists of five residential districts as well as the villages Oost-Souburg and Ritthem. The municipality offers space, nature, beaches, a rich maritime history, a lively center and a variety of facilities.

Studying in Vlissingen

With its broad range in courses and highly-scoring schools, Vlissingen is Zeeland’s number 1 educational town. Students from all over the Netherlands and all over the world come here to study. The number of students at the schools of Vlissingen increases every year.

Recreation in Vlissingen

Vlissingen, city by the sea. A unique destination that combines urban character with the infinite possibilities of the beach and the water. Here you can relax on the 2 km long seaside boulevard. Or spend a day on one of the 6 beaches. The view from the boulevard is unique: huge ships sail past just a stone's throw away! From one of the many terraces on the boulevard you can enjoy this special sight. For more information use the following link.
